Kreasi Gambar Pensil Warna Terlihat Seperti Hasil Kamera

Biasanya menggambar menggunakan pensil warna pastinya akan terlihat kurang bagus karena hasil goresan-goresan pensilnya akan sangat kelihatan dan jika di hapus akan meninggalkan bekas yang pastinya akan menurunkan kualitas keindahan gambar tersebut. Namun ada yang unik di Jepang.

Ryota Hayashi, seorang lulusan Waseda University fakultas seni ini berhasil menunjukkan bakatnya dalam hal melukis. Denga bermodalkan pensil warna, pria ini mampu membuat sebuah lukisan yang terlihat seperti hasil jepretan kamera seperti gambar di atas. Dia memulai karirnya pada tahun 2009 yang dimulai dengan menggambar menggunakan pensil warnanya yang kemudian menghantarkannya mengikuti ajang beberapa karya seni lukis.Ryouta juga membuka kelas seni lukis di beberapa pusat seni di jepang dimana dia menyalurkan teknik seni lukisnya pada murid-muridnya.

Hasil karya Ryota Hayashi dapat dilihat di situs miliknya dan jika anda mengagumi karyanya, anda bisa meniggalkan komentar di facebooknya karna Hayashi-san selalu membalas respon ataupun komentar dari fansnya lewat facebook.


Support LGBT marriage, Sherina Munaf get boycotted

Support LGBT Marriage, Tomboyish Sherina Munaf is Criticized and Boycotted

Some days ago, America is announced the legalization of gay marriage. This announcement is invoked many respond and criticized from some party and one of them is Sherina Munaf. She seems to gave a good respond toward that announcement. 

According to her, every human have the right to love someone including to marry even if the partner is the same gender. That's the form of love that they're shown to proof their love. This statement of her is getting negative responds by some party even some of them is giving her a petition and boycotting her.

The petition that reported on also state that they asked for help from Kak Seto and Arits Merdeka Sirait from Indonesia Child Protection Committee (KPAI). It's said that the gay marriage will destroy Indonesia new generation. 
According to the writer of the petition, the legalization of gay marriage in America is reprobate and should not be applied in another country. The existence of public figure of Indonesia who support this legalization is even more disgusting because Indonesia is applying  the East culture which uphold the value of religious and culture. So, in all the religious that exist in Indonesia, the LGBT marriage is forbidden. 

In Indonesia, Sherina is one of the public figure which has many followers in social network. So, her support for LGBT marriage is afraid to become the example that will destroy the young generation in Indonesia. 

Reported by dr Pojokan from Ketak-ketik


5 Mistakes that you often do when washing face
It's Wrong to Brush Teeth Up and Down?
Keep Body Weigh Stable to Avoid Making Mistake When You Get Stressed

5 Mistakes That You Often Do When Washing Face


Washing face is a daily routine that easy to do.  Yet in fact, many people do mistakes when washing their face. It is a small mistake that gives big effect on face skin which should be given more attention. What are mistakes that often done when washing your face? Quoted from Boldsky, these things need to be noted.

1. Choosing the wrong product
            Do not choose skincare products by their price or because it often appears on advertisement.  Expensive does not guarantee that product is suitable for your skin. Before choosing the right skincare product, it is necessary to know your skin type. Choosing skincare products that contain many natural ingredients is also recommended.

2. Washing Face Using Warm Water
            Washing face with warm water is a mistake that many people ignore.  This sounds trivial, but in fact, washing face by using warm water can make the pores wider and accelarate skin aging process.

3. Exfoliating Too Often
            Many people think that do exfoliation regularly and often is the right thing to do to maintain the skin healthy, especially those who have oily skin type. In fact, this assumption is wrong. Do exfoliating too often makes the skin sagging and wrinkling faster.

4. Not Washing Properly
            Washing face properly is a must. It is  really important to wash face correctly in order to maintain face freshness and cleanness. However, many people do not realize their mistake when do face washing.  It is recommended to wash face by using running water.

5. Using Rough Towel
            If you are used to use rough towel to wipe face after washing, you need to stop it now.  Rough towel can hurt face and wound it. Use soft towel and do not rub it to dry your face. It is better to only pat your face gently.

            From mistakes above, which mistake do you often do when wash your face? If you have already known, stop it now. Do not let your skin suffer longer.


People need to brush their teeth everyday in order to keep them clean and avoid toothache. Maintaining mouth cleanness and freshness by brushing teeth is a must since it is the best way to prevent germ and bacterias to grow.
   But, the question is have you cleaned your teeth well and cleanly?
            A research shows that brushing teeth up and down is not good to do.  This way does not clean the germ and bacterias on teeth completely, instead it hides them in the gums. And when the germs and bacterias grow up, your gums can have infection and bleeding.
            So, how should we brush our teeth?
It is recommended to brush teeth by rotating the toothbrush. Besides that, it is also important to brush teeth by parting them, start from the front, back, top, and then down.  Do not brush your teeth in  less than two minutes. It is suggested to brush them at least in five minutes.
Dr.Okoye from London Smiling Dental Group also explained,”Besides those tips, we also recommend you to choose a hard-bristled toothbrush since a soft-bristled toothbrush cannot clean teeth maximally.”

Well,   have you brushed your teeth correctly today?


Keep body weight stable to avoid making mistake when you get stressed

            Emotion and health affect people's daily performance significantly. Stress can affect all aspect of life easily. If you are on stress, you need to handle it in right way. Avoid these mistakes to keep your body weight stable:

-Excessive Caffeine          Caffeine  avoids you to have a good quality of sleep and composure. In addition, consuming coffee can increase your blood sugar, body weight, and hormone issues. Avoid consuming coffee before go to sleep.

-Inadequate Sleep

             Sleep can mollify your stress. Try to sleep earlier even if you are not sleepy yet. Sleep can diminish the possibility of gaining weight and mind distraction.

-Skipping Meals

            Too busy doing something makes you forget to recharge your energy by consuming food. Skipping meal causes your blood sugar decrease and hormone to handle stress diminished. Skipping meal can be considered as bad diet that makes you listless.